mountain pass during sunrise

Free Resources to Support Your Family's Journey

Webinar: Adapting to the Reality of Dementia—The Four Pillars of Caregiver Support

Amy Shaw, PA, has helped more than 450 families navigate the dementia journey. In this free webinar, Amy shares the 4 keys that caregivers can use to navigate the dementia journey successfully.

Wyoming PBS: A State of Mind,
The Caregivers, May 2024

I recently had the opportunity to be featured in a Wyoming PBS episode of the Emmy award-winning series "A State of Mind: The Caregivers," which focused on the challenges of being a caregiver for a loved one with dementia. The program sheds light on the immense responsibility that comes with caregiving and the mental health challenges that caregivers often face, such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness. It focuses on the growing population of caregivers and the importance of caregivers not overlooking their mental well-being. It was an honor to be part of such an important and impactful project.

Podcast: Write Your Best Chapter – Who Will Care for the Caregivers

I was honored to be a guest on Dr. Faryal Michaud's podcast, "Write Your Best Chapter." Dr. Michaud is an incredibly warm and loving palliative care physician and life coach.

"I remember when I first heard about hospice, I thought it was only for patients dying of cancer. But then, what about millions of others who are dying a very slow and unseen death of brain failure? What do we do with and for dementia patients? So much of the actual care is carried and delivered by the unsung heros of the stories: Families and caregivers. My guest today, Amy Shaw, is a brilliant and compassionate Physician Assistant that will guide us through what we know and what we should know. Feel free to share this episode with those you love." Dr. Faryal Michaud